Dr Kevin B Sands

(310) 273-0111

414 N Camden Drive Suite 940 Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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How Tooth Loss Affects Mind and Body

How Tooth Loss Affects Mind and BodyYou rely on your teeth for a lot, but one area where you may not realize is heavily influenced by your dental health is your memory. Studies have found that older adults who have lost more teeth are more prone to physical and mental decline than adults who have lost none of their teeth. It used to be that losing teeth was inevitable, but now there are numerous ways to ensure that your teeth do not fall out. Our Beverly Hills cosmetic dentist can teach you more about how to care for your teeth and what you can do to make sure they last as long as possible.

There are several theories that try to explain why lost teeth increase the risk of memory problems. One theory is that since you have few teeth, you avoid crunchy fruits and vegetables that contain valuable nutrients and vitamins that you need for good cognitive function. Regardless of the reason, knowing that patients with fewer teeth are at a greater risk of memory disorders can help dentists identify people who need the proper treatment.

You can improve the appearance and function of your smile by getting any missing teeth replaced as soon as possible. Our expert in dental implants in Beverly Hills can provide you with implants that are inserted directly into the jawbone to replace the root of the tooth. But you can prevent your teeth from falling out in the first place by brushing and flossing your teeth every day and by scheduling regular appointments with your dentist.
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